From a basement somewhere in Cabbagetown, Toronto. In each episode of this documentary program, host Jaiden Douglas invites you into his basement to witness an intimate musical performance and dialogue with a local Toronto band.
The Crime Family | Live in Sid’s Room
Toronto rocknroll supergroup The Crime Family performs “Haskell Wexler” as well as unreleased songs “23 Forever” and “Geo,” live in Sid’s Room. Recorded on December 1st, 2024. Watch the uncut episode on the official Sid’s Room YouTube.
Host: Jaiden Douglas
Director: Keertan Somasundaram
DOP: Sidney Foster
1st AD: Maria Hogan
2nd AD: Megan Cheung
Script Supervisor: Bia Piza Maia dos Santos
Set Accountant: Caroline Majcher
Camera: Rukhsana Balouchi, Elijah Gonzalez, Winston Seto
BTS: Diogo Gomes, Savannah Savone
Audio Engineer: Grayson Gurevich
Audio Assistants: Owen Greco, Rosalyn Mutheardy, Alexa Ramprashad
Gaffer: Elisha Ocampo
PAs: Ayla Coates, Natasha Jhauj
Mastering Engineer: Lachlan Bleackley
Video Editor: Elisha Ocampo
Created by: Jaiden Douglas, Sidney Foster, Keertan Somasundaram
Graphic design: László Babits, Celina Tang
Special thanks to Finlay Braithwaite, Kevin Konarzewski
The Young Scones | Live in Sid’s Room
Worldwide sensations, The Young Scones, play “Bone”, “Preacher”, and the unreleased “Not Today”, live in Sid’s Room. Recorded on January 26th, 2025. Watch the uncut episode on the official Sid’s Room YouTube.
Host: Jaiden Douglas
Director: Keertan Somasundaram
Director of Photography: Sidney Foster
1st AD: Maria Hogan
2nd AD: Megan Cheung
Script Supervisor: Bia Piza Maia dos Santos
Set Accountant: Caroline Majcher
Camera: Rukhsana Balouchi, Elijah Gonzalez, Winston Seto
BTS: Diogo Gomes, Gyenkwa Jophesu
Audio Engineer: Grayson Gurevich
Live Sound Technician: Jaiden Douglas
Audio Assistants: Owen Greco, James MacLean, Alexa Ramprashad
Gaffer: Elisha Ocampo
PAs: Ayla Coates, Natasha Jhauj
Production Design: Celina Tang
Mastering Engineer: Lachlan Bleackley
Video Editor: Elisha Ocampo
Created & Produced by: Jaiden Douglas, Sidney Foster, Keertan Somasundaram
Graphic design: Celina Tang
Logos: László Babits
Special thanks to Zachary Cox, Kevin Konarzewski
Special thanks to Maker’s Pizza (Matttyyyyyy)
Special thanks to E.J. Fernandez, Molly Greenblatt, Lucas Moscati
Special thanks to The EDC
Special thanks to Brian, Gary, Marcelo, Zac of The Young Scones